Find your Soulmate on woo



U2opia Mobile’s WOO,a smartphone application is now available for the users of Mumbai and Delhi. This application is available on Android and iOS smartphones and gives users, a platform to connect with urban singles from the same city. U2opia is targeting educated, young, single professionals between the ages of 25-35 years old, for this application.

The company claims that this app will provide the perfect alternative to casual dating apps and the old-fashioned matrimonial websites that are currently available and is intended for mature, sophisticated individuals who are seeking substantial interactions, based on real criteria like similar lifestyles and interests, rather than arbitrary ones like complexion, weight, caste which are used traditionally.

Woo is features three key factors- Curate Community under which Woo will allows only single people to sign up. Moreover, with a sophisticated filtering, Woo will ensuring a high-quality, sophisticated community of mature individuals seeking something substantial and meaningful. The second factor is the circle of Trust in which include the option in which people might get some mutual connection between friends. Third is the Hyper-local in which the app will allow the user to find the connections in the same city. This way, if 2 users form a match and like each other, they can decide to meet up in at a suitable time.

Sumesh Menon, CEO and Co-founder, U2opia Mobile said, “Woo is about real relationships ““ relationships with people you could genuinely connect with, people with whom you have friends in common and relationships that actually have a chance of translating into reality. The phenomenal response to Woo in Bangalore has validated our strong belief that there is a clear need gap for urban singles seeking meaningful relationships in India. There is a clear need for a platform that helps urban singles connect with educated, like-minded individuals, with security and sophistication, without the contrived pressure of the matrimonial websites or the frivolity of casual dating solutions.”

U2opia Mobile is a mobile technology company that creates products which connects people with global information resources and with each other, regardless of the device they use or the country they live in. The company has operations spread over 40 countries, catering to 20 million users and counting, globally, and runs its global operations from its offices in India, Singapore, Dubai and the US. U2opia Mobile is backed by Matrix Partners since 2011, who provide strategic market reach as well as strong financial support.

For further details click here.

woo dating app india

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